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  • Our Team


    Beverley Evans

    Director of SEND, Safeguarding and Inclusion

    As a highly experienced senior leader in SEN I am very proud to be part of this Trust, which ensures an inclusive approach to learning and supports and develops staff to deliver an exceptional educational offer. Throughout my career I have advocated for all pupils to have equal access to high quality provision and supported staff to implement effective adaptations that allow for equal access to the curriculum for all learners.

    Everyone is entitled to a high quality education and it is our duty and responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind. My experience throughout my teaching career enables me to share my knowledge and develop staff who are better able to understand pupils and equipped to provide high quality learning opportunities. 

    Education is the key to a successful future, and disadvantage is the barrier to educational success. We have to ensure that it is recognised and overcome.  With over twenty-five years of leadership experience, the vast majority working in the SEND sector, I bring expertise in complex safeguarding concerns, the delivery of bespoke and high quality provision for pupils with  additional needs and a strong knowledge of funding associated with the EHCPs as well as school budget management.  I am committed to the development of both pupils and staff and love working with the talented community which makes up the Illuminate Minds Trust!